When I was a child I rememered that my uncle had a dog and one day we went to the "Capravo" I was walking woth the dog and suddenly Tais (the dog) ran away very quickly and I fell on the ploor.
Another day when I was 5, I was playing with my doll. Tais caught it and the dog bit my doll, I was crying for a long time.
When I was 6 on 16th of January 2001 the day of my birthday, my twins sisters were born. I was very excited because I had two sisters. They were born in Manresa.
I make them two bracalets.
3 years ago I went to Cambrils and there I meet 3 Italian girls and 2 Italian boys. They're now my friends.
When I was 12 I remember that my sisters and I did our first pancake and while we were cooking we were playing with the floor. It was very funny!